Deepfakes: What are they and how can you avoid them?

Fraudsters are beginning to take use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Here are some things to keep an eye out for to avoid being caught off guard. If you are blackmailed by
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Deepfakes: What are they and how can you avoid them?
Fraudsters are beginning to take use of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. Here are some things to be on the lookout for to prevent being taken by surprise.
Deepfakes became well known in 2018 with the release of the video below, in which former U.S. president Barack Obama issued a dire warning about fake films.
It turned out to be a deepfake video, of course. Existing video footage of Mr Obama was manipulated by American director Jordan Peele using deepfake technology to give the impression that the former president was speaking and moving his head as Peele did.
A deepfake is a ruse that seems to be the real deal.
It’s called “deepfake” because it uses artificial intelligence (AI) to mimic the workings of the human brain to analyse data to create fake video or audio snippets using “deep learning.” In this way, the term “deepfake” has evolved to signify a video created using deepfake technology that shows someone in a position or saying things they have never stated before. Deepfakes have huge potential for harm or criminal behaviour since most people blindly accept video footage they watch without questioning whether or not it was produced using AI algorithms. We can protect you from فيك الديب very easily.
Why do deepfakes pose a threat to the real world?
Until recently, constructing a deepfake included gathering a large number of video and audio recordings of the target person. To create a deepfake movie or recording, you’d need a lot of computing power. As a result, creating deepfakes became much more difficult.
Security Boulevard reports that because to developments in machine learning, convincing deepfake films can be generated in a very short amount of time using only a single photo of the victim and just five seconds of their speech. Creating deepfakes of nearly anybody is now an easy task for cyber crooks because to the prevalence of short videos and images posted on social media and YouTube.
Deepfakes may be used by criminals in a variety of ways.
Deepfake technology can be used to produce a deepfake voice that sounds like a charity leader in real time, making it easy for a criminal to commit a crime. They may then mimic the charity’s leader over the phone to another member of the organization’s personnel. For example, the charity’s cash might be transferred to an offshore bank account if the deepfake voice convinces the staff person to follow the instructions.
In 2019, a deepfake voice that sounded like the CEO of a German parent business deceived the CEO of a UK energy firm into transferring over 220,000 Euros (£190,000) to an escrow account controlled by the deepfake.
As technology advances, it’s not beyond of the question that a thief might use Zoom to invite a member of the charity’s staff. If they used deepfake technology, they might seem to be the charity’s leader in video and audio, and offer orders for a bank transfer. There’s a good chance that deepfake impersonations might be used in serious crimes since people are so used to trusting what they see.
It is possible to apply impersonation in other contexts as well. Using voice impersonation over the phone, for example, might be a simple way to social engineer charity workers into disclosing account passwords, giving criminals access to the organization’s network and private data.